
Wednesday 5 October 2011

Convention Table set up

So, with Vcon past, we had the opportunity to test out how different table displays were successful or unsuccessful. Each day of the convention we changed the table display. I'll go ever each day and what worked, and what didn't.
Day 1:
Okay, here we are. as an overview, we tried to make the centre of the table the focus. Our highest priced item #3 was a one of a kind sculpture of tasirt. We put him in the middle thinking he's the focus there. but as you can see, he's totally not. in fact there IS no focus to this table layout. the main project, Daqueran comics #1 are way off to the side, and yes they have lights around them but it doesn't make them have any impact at all. Our prints #4 are in closed black books, and look like nothing. The business cards, notebooks, and mini comics blend together #5, and the sketch cards are just floating in their little folder #7. #2 and #9 are signage advertising ghost tales pre order, and sketch card commissions. those are the only things that stand out on the table, with good reason - bright colour! Same as our price signage. They're bright blue, and stand out like crazy. I've always been an advocate of clear price signage. No one is going to ask you how much something is. you have to have it displayed. They are aloof until they decide for sure they're going to buy. #10 is our rack of charms. It's stuffed in the corner with some puzzles underneath #11, but you cant even see them. they're non existent. #6 our banner, is not visible in the front of the table. not much we can do about it now. vertical banners are in our future.
So day 1: entire layout, is bad. Signage and price tags are good.

Day 2:

Day 2 did little to improve the layout. We added some canvas prints #1, moved the lights to the ghost tales display, and propped the pendants on a necklace display.Things overall looked more clean and simplified, and sales did improve quite a bit. Dopey looking Guru probably didn't help that much, HA!
Tasirt in his plastic case didn't work too well. He's still invisible. Why are the prints books still closed?! We just forgot to fuss with them.

Day 3:

day 3 was a winning day! I mean, it did have the benefit of being the most traffic day, and in general the last day of a con is the best, but we learned some valuable things.
Clarity! This table is clean, there is space between each item and each thing stands out of its own.#1 ghost tales was moved to the side, and we included a ghost tales mini comic right next to it. This made it easier to promote the Anthology. we could mention the mini comic showing them an example from the anthology, then also show them that a pre-order is available. It was great. We moved the charm rack to the centre, and put the lights on it. this worked best! The rack was black, set against the yellow wall, so it stood out, and the lights really enhanced it against the black. This is the only day of the 3 that we sold charms at all! #3 the canvas prints are together, and once we sold one we moved the sketch card sign down onto the stand from the wall. #4 the Daqueran comics are with the New reader pack instead of being separated. Same situation as the Ghost tales. It allowed us to streamline our customer interactions, thus getting better results. Last but not least #5 , the prints! finally they're folded out!the price sign was on the table above them, and just about everyone who stopped flipped through. we sold several of them as a result. We actually got compliments on our table display from several people on this day. This was clearly successful.
Sometimes talking to people it scares them off, but when you're not selling a product people know about (like fanart) and you're promoting your own work, you need to sell it verbally!
Talk to your customers, and tell them about your project. come up with a streamlined little description for each of your projects, and spew it out at everyone who stops by and shows an interest. We had a little tagline for Daqueran that was just working so well. Ya, its hard to muster the courage to talk to strangers sometimes, but it's the difference between selling your stuff, or sitting around frustrated that your stuff isn't selling.
So I hope this was a little useful for fellow con goers out there. We're getting pretty experienced at the little cons! As a side note, on the Gurukitty website now on that side ---> there is a little widget that shows our upcoming convention appearances! check it out often.

We also got the proof for the Ghost Tales comic today! you can check out some photos of it on our facebook page!

1 comment:

  1. Being chatty helps a lot! I'm hard to shut up, and I'm off topic a lot.. but I'm not a big pressure kinda guy.. I go out of my way to have stupid things to talk about. I should cut back on that tactic a little, but I figure overall that pressing the product hard out of the gate sets people into "ew, a sales pitch" mode. I'm at VCON to have fun also, and I'm not shy to share the fact with potential customers. Does it hurt of help my sales? Who knows.. But yeah, I need to simplify my display a lot. I only have 3 things I was selling, so I feel the need to complicate a bit, but there's a balance somewhere....
