
Thursday 1 August 2013

Sci-Fi Anthology


A quick update to let people know, in case you haven't liked us on Facebook, The anthology submission deadline has been EXTENDED!
That's right, so if you woke up this morning all bummed because you missed out, never fear, you now have until August 31st to finish your entry and get it in to us.
So, you have a whole 'nother month to get it in.

By the way, if you haven't already liked us and follow us on Facebook, that is where these kinds of quick announcements appear first, mostly because we can do them through our phone easier than updating the blog or website.

In case you are curious, yes quite a few submissions have been rolling in, but we haven't looked at them seriously yet. Mostly just downloading the files, logging and organizing.

So, that's all we have to say, so close all your blinds to block out that horrible sunlight to make your dark little comic caves and get back to work!